约翰·C. 小调III '67男子篮球和男子高尔夫
约翰·麦纳在第一支彩乐园2app下载篮球队(1962年至1963年)担任八年级学生. 他成为了球队的领袖和头号得分手. 他高三的时候是队长. During the 1964-1965 season he was selected Honorable Mention on the All Roanoke City-County basketball team. North Cross started its golf team in 1965 and was able to compete with the larger public high schools very quickly. The team won the 1966 Roanoke High School City-County Championship going undefeated in their matches. John won the 1967 Roanoke Valley Golf Association Junior Championship and was runner up in the Roanoke Jaycee Golf 之旅nament to fellow teammate Frank Smith. The team had the opportunity to play the Virginia Tech freshman golf team but lost a very close match 14 ½ to 12 ½. 幸运的是,约翰·史密斯和弗兰克·史密斯都赢得了与理工学院两名顶尖选手的比赛. 约翰在弗吉尼亚理工大学继续他的高尔夫成就. 1969年,他的球队赢得了弗吉尼亚州校际高尔夫锦标赛, 1970, 1971, and came in second to UVA in 1972; John finished second in 1970 and third in 1972 in the tournament. In 1971, 在一个成功的高尔夫赛季之后, John received an invitation to represent Virginia Tech in the 1971 NCAA Championship and in 1972; he won the Marshall University Collegiate 之旅nament. |
1981年大学橄榄球队1981年弗吉尼亚独立会议冠军, 1981年的足球队是自1975年以来第一支在彩乐园2app下载赢得VIC的球队. 这支球队的战绩是8胜1负,唯一一次失利是在赛季初期以一分之差. 该队的许多人都入选了维多利亚大学的全联盟队. 在进攻端,球队的优势在于进攻线和跑动. 它以284比43领先对手,场均31分.每场5分. 在国防, the team’s strength was its defensive line’s ability to penetrate along with tackling in numbers. 它只允许平均值为4.场均7分,整个赛季43分. 不幸的是, this team did not get to play for a state title as there was no post-season play at the time. 主教练吉姆·穆斯卡罗说, “这让每场比赛对我们来说都是冠军赛,指的是没有季后赛的比赛.
前排: 肯特Ayyildiz, 大卫的鸟, 查理Pinkard, 埃里克·汉默, 斯科特·弗莱明, 阿瑟·弗雷泽, 托比岩石, 克拉克值得, 和彼得·克拉姆. 第二行: 杰夫哈钦森,山姆德龙, 大卫·哈钦森, 吉米Mayson, 约翰。约翰逊, 马克桑迪, 卡尔Bumgarner, 克里斯Kuelling, 保罗·希金斯, 和比尔·贝利. 第三行: Bill Fahrbach,Chris Neikirk, Ben Flora, Mike Jofko, Wes Bradley, Tom Branch, Matt Crum, Jonathan Schloss, Tommy Sarvay和Jim Justice. 第四行: Doug Horn and John Parrott - 教练es; Barney Hammond, 大卫孜然, 和迈克·库勒——经理:蒂姆·皮卡德, Jamie Loftin; Chris Smith, Robby Frazier - managers; 吉姆Muscaro - Head Coach. |
布莱尔·崔尔是一个有成就的球员, 教练, 体育总监, 她鼓励并激发了其他人对体育运动的热爱. 以下是她作为高中运动员的一些令人印象深刻的数据. 1989-90年七年级:JV篮球,JV垒球MVP. 八年级1990-91:垒球,全联盟. 九年级1991-92:排球最有价值球员,全联盟,全联赛. 垒球,全体会议. 十年级1992-93:垒球最有价值球员,全联盟,全州. Eleventh Grade 1993-94: Volleyball, Best Offensive Player, All Conference, All Timesland. 垒球MVP,全联盟,全锦标赛,全州. 1994-95年级:排球队长,MVP,垒球,MVP,队长. 也被弗吉尼亚大学的教练选为年度最佳球员, 独立学校排球协会. Blair placed North Cross to the first VISVA State Championship with her teammates and Coach of the Year, 唐娜Satterwhite. 此外,她还收到了托马斯A. Slack奖,Mark Higgins奖和B'nai B'rith运动和成就奖. 从1995年到1997年,布莱尔在雷德福大学打排球, and then transferred to Roanoke College where she played volleyball from 1997-1999 and graduated in 1999. She subsequently took over as Head Coach of the volleyball program at the college that same year (1999). 2002年至2015年,布莱尔在彩乐园2app下载教二年级. In 2015, she became Assistant Athletic Director at the school before becoming Athletic Director from 2018-2023. |
布兰登·拉克鲁瓦在彩乐园2app下载大学打了五年高尔夫校队, 带领球队五次夺得分区冠军. 他是一名四届运动健将,三届MVP,五次入选最佳阵容. 布兰登在杜克大学打了四年一级高尔夫球. 大学毕业后, Brandon went on to play golf for two years professionally and played in one PGA 之旅 event. 布兰登继续通过高尔夫影响罗阿诺克山谷及其他地区. Not only is he still a regular winner and competitor in the Roanoke Valley Golf Hall of Fame and the Virginia State Golf Association tournaments, 他还于2019年入选罗阿诺克谷高尔夫名人堂. While Brandon is an elite and well decorated golfer, he remains a humble and devoted Raider. |
林赛·莱弗勒·范德格里夫特,03年女子足球 & 篮球
林赛·莱弗勒·范德格里夫特,03年 was one of the best Girls’ Soccer players to ever play at North Cross. She played Varsity soccer all four years of her 上学校 career and was captain for three of those years. 2000年,她带领球队三次夺得BRC冠军, 2001, 2003年和2001年被评为最有价值球员, 2002, 和2003年. 她以57球153分的职业生涯进球和积分排名彩乐园2app下载第四, 她以39次助攻排名职业生涯第二. She also played Girls’ Varsity 篮球 for the Raiders and soccer for 罗阿诺克之星 and the Soccer Olympic Development Program. 她后来在长老会学院参加了二级足球队, where she earned All-Conference honors all four years (2003-2006) and All-Region honors during three of her four seasons (2003, 2004, 2006). |
吉姆Muscaro男子足球、篮球、高尔夫、 & 棒球队教练,1972-2007
他在彩乐园2app下载大学执教了35年, 吉姆·马斯卡罗执教过993场篮球比赛和410场足球比赛. 1975年,他带领突袭者队9次夺得男子大学橄榄球联合会冠军, 1981-1982, 1987-1989, 1992-1993, 1996), 1979年获6次维多利亚大学男子篮球队分区冠军, 1981, 1987-1989, 1993), 1976-1982年8次VIC男子大学高尔夫锦标赛, 1984), 男子棒球队冠军(1988年). He also 教练ed three state championship teams: 1988 and 1993 Boys’ Varsity 篮球 and 1993 Boys’ Varsity Football. In 1993, he was named Coach of the Year by the Virginia Independent Conference and the Virginia Independent School Athletic Association. He was also named Coach of the Year by the Roanoke World News in 1974 and Timesland Coach of the Year in 1975. 在他退休的时候, his records stood at 246-158-5 in football and 592-401 in basketball. |
唐娜Satterwhite女子排球 & 垒球教练,1971-2011
唐娜Satterwhite was hired in 1971 as a physical education teacher and the girls’ athletic director for North Cross. 她在扩大女孩运动机会方面发挥了重要作用, as well as starting the conferences we still play in today - the Blue Ridge Conference and the Virginia Independent Conference. 她是女子排球和垒球的教练, leading her teams to 8 BRC Conference 锦标赛 in Girls’ Varsity Softball (1980-1982, 1984-1987, 1989年)和8次英国女子大学排球联合会冠军(1982年), 1985-1987, 1989, 1992-1994). 1994年是特别重要的一年, as Satterwhite’s volleyball team took home the very first independent school state volleyball title, and Satterwhite was named Coach of the Year by both the Blue Ridge Conference and the Virginia Independent School Athletic Association. |
理查德·库克男孩的足球 & 高尔夫教练,1972-2017
通常被恰当地称为“罗阿诺克山谷的足球之父”,理查德·库克在彩乐园2app下载当了35年的男子足球教练. 1972年,他被约翰·塔克(John Tucker)聘用, 彩乐园2app下载中学的第二任校长, 他是在那里教中学历史和开办足球项目的. 库克甚至更进一步, 最终在罗阿诺克市培养了足球项目, 洛亚诺克县, 和萨勒姆, 同时也开始了该地区的第一个旅行足球项目, 罗阿诺克之星. 1988-1995年,他带领突袭者队获得了令人印象深刻的18次VIC分区冠军, 1997-1999, 2001-2007)和一个州冠军(2007)在男子大学足球. 在他退休的时候, 他在彩乐园2app下载执教了609场足球比赛,取得了449胜112胜48负的战绩. |
罗阿诺克,弗吉尼亚州24018 540-989-6641•(540)9897299(传真) HOURS: M-F; 8AM-4PM |
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